Thursday, March 12, 2009


"Sea Pollution :: Environmental Facts :: Young People's Trust for the Environment." Young People's Trust for the Environment - Information for Kids on Climate change and other environmental facts and charities. 12 Mar. 2009

Bettelheim, Adriel. "Coastal Development." CQ Researcher 8.31 (1998): 721-744. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Your library's name, city, state abbreviation. 5 Mar. 2009 <>.

Hinrichsen, Don. Coastal Waters of the World Trends, Threats, and Strategies. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1998.

Griffin, Rodman D. "Threatened Coastlines." CQ Researcher 2.5 (1992): 97-120. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Your library's name, city, state abbreviation. 5 Mar. 2009 <>.

Millemann, Beth. And Two if by Sea Fighting the Attack on America's Coasts ; a Citizen's Guide to the Coastal Zone Management Act and Other Coastal Laws. Washington D.C.: Coast Alliance Inc., 1986.

Michael, David, Mindy, and Neil. "Water Pollution." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. 1999. Thinkquest. 12 Mar. 2009

Miers, Jackie. "Marine or Ocean Pollution." Teachers on the Web. 2006. 12 Mar. 2009

Sindermann, Carl J. Ocean Pollution Effects on Living Resources and Humans (Marine Science Series). Null: CRC, 1995.

Anderson, Donald M. "WHOI : Oceanus : The Coastal Ocean Institute." Home : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 9 Mar. 2009. Oceanus. 12 Mar. 2009 .

Tagholm, Hugo. Surfers Against Sewage - Not just Surfers, Not just Sewage. 2009. Surfers Against Sewage. 12 Mar. 2009 .


Jordan Brock said...

Be sure to replace "Your library's name, city, state abbreviation" on the citations from CQ Researcher with the actual information. Also remember to alphabetize the citations.

Anonymous said...

Remember to get rid of those nasty HYPERLINKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, on the first citation there are two colons after Sea pollution, I don't know if it is supposed to be this way, but you should check on it!

Scott said...

It looks like you have double colons on your first source. Also, make sure to include "< >" around your links.

Nicole said...

Also be sure to put it all in alphabetical order so that you don't get marked down at all.