Monday, March 9, 2009

Blog to BLOG

Blogging for me has been one of those assignments that in most cases get very repetitive. In the beginning all the blogs were formatted the same and the comments were identical. As the semester has gone on I’ve learned that t he blogs have started to mold into the individuals writing them. It’s good to see a diverse group of peers from a across the country write on a common topic and see the possible outcomes. The blog shows the similar, yet different points of view we have as LDS members of the church. Another intriguing concept is I see my writing getting much better. Without seeing my writing improve I don’t think I would support the Blog at all. Instead I find myself working really hard on blogs to inform and voice my style and opinions to others. Overall, blogging has turned from repetitive busy work to a workplace to improve myself.


Kristy Hadley said...

It's also been interesting to me how different people interpret the blog assignment in different ways. Everyone seems to approach it from a different angle; there is a lot we can learn from our peers.

Anu O'Neill said...

It has also been very helpful to me to see how others interpret the blog assignments. When I usually write a paper I only see my opinion, and the opinion of the professor. With the blog, I get the opportunity to see others opinions on my writing and the different aspects I need to consider.