Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Blog

I have learned a lot by using the class blog. I have recieved really good feedback on my ideas relating to my papers. For me, the blog is very useful when we post a piece of one of our papers or if we post our entire paper. I almost always read the comments on those blogs, and I try to think more about the comments I make to be sure that they will be beneficial to the author. Some of the blog posts aren't very helpful to me and I don't put as much time into the comments. I have learned a lot about trying to appeal to a specific audience by using the blog. Generally, how classmates feel about my ideas is how most of BYU feels about my ideas. This is a good way to try out ideas and get a reaction. I have made many changes to my papers based on the comments that were made on my blogs. This also helps me to spend a lot more time preparing my papers before I turn them in. I find that many of the initial changes I make based on the comments of others are the changes I would usually not catch when writing papers in the past. I don't like to blog just because we are supposed to. Those blog posts are mundane and tedious.

1 comment:

Jordan Brock said...

I have also found myself spending more time on my papers because of the blog. The comments left on blogs about the papers we're writing are extremely beneficial and have encouraged me to make changes in my writing.