Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Blog....

I would have to say that my favorite part about the blog is the comments. I find that they have really helped with my writing and have molded my writing to become better and more direct. Although I still have a lot of work to do, I feel that my writing has improved through both my blog writing and my writing overall in this class. I have to admit that sometimes I do feel very negative towards the blog, however, I know that overall it has helped me improve my writing in this class and has guided my thinking to more complex and acceptable ideas. Overall, I think the blog is a great idea and will help me, and the other students participating in this class, for the rest of our college experience.


Sean & Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sean said...

(^^ the above comment was me... I just posted it under the wrong account)

I like how you mentioned that a lot of times you feel negative about the blog - and that's very true of a lot of things that eventually help us. We all hate school, but how many of us would give up our education to get all that time back? Not many...

Jordan Brock said...

The comments have also helped me improve my writing. It helps to have classmates read and give advice on my writing, because too often something I write won't make sense to anyone else. Although the blog can be inconvenient, I would prefer this over written assignments.