Monday, March 9, 2009

Blogging Blogging is so fun.....

Well to be brutally honest, I'm not a huge fan of the blog. There have been certain assignments on the blog that I have really thought have helped me to prepare to write the papers that we were working on at the time, but there have been others that seem to be there just for the sake of a blog post. This is one of those. I don't feel like I am getting any closer to writing my issues paper by writing this. I think that we shouldn't have a blog just for the sake of a blog. Granted the majority of the blog assignments have been at least somewhat helpful in my writing. But the comments I don't really find that effective, because most of the time nobody reads what others wrote about their comments and the comments are meaningless jibberish anyways.


Aaron said...

I can support that the comments part is very difficult to get good results on.

Nicole said...

I actually almost always read the comments on my posts. However, I have noticed a lot of them weren't really thought through, and I have also posted comments that I didn't really put much effort into.

Cara said...

I agree that certain blog posts just seem to be busy work and aren't really necessary. However, I think that this particular blog post will actually be helpful. It might not be helpful for us personally, but Cowley will look at what we are saying and be able to impprove the blog so that it can be better. So this one actually has a purpose.