Monday, March 9, 2009

Blogging Fun

When we first received the assignment of writing blogs throughout the week, I absolutely dreaded it. I did not understand the purpose of posting random paragraphs and commenting on each other's posts. However, as I actually began posting blogs, I realized how much it can help. I enjoy when our blog assignment has to do with the paper we're writing on. It encourages me to get working on my paper, and not procrastinate. I also like hearing others' opinion on a certain aspect of the paper I'm writing. I also enjoyed writing fun blogs, like when we had to write one sentence 25 ways. I do not like when the blog assignment feels like a waste of time, but overall I think the blog assignments have helped me throughout this course.


Nicole said...

I agree that some of the blogs we post that do not relate to our papers can be fun. However, a lot of them can be boring and tedious.

Cara said...

I agree with what you had to say. I think the best blog assignments have been the ones relating to our papers because it keeps you focused and the feed back is helpful. Also, I also think the "fun" assignments have been worthwhile. Those ones are good because looking back I can still remember doing them and remember the lesson we got out of it. I like when our blog assignment is related to a lesson or concept we learn in class. It helps bring ideas together and are easier to remember in the future.