Monday, March 16, 2009

Major Viewpoints

My topic is an idea called DNS-SEC, that is supposed to fix security problem in the DNS system. DNS is what allows you to type "" and get connected to a computer that BYU set up to run their website. Without DNS you'd have to memorize a long series of numbers that make up BYU's network address. So DNS just makes the internet easier to use by giving things meaningful names instead of random numbers.

The problem is the DNS also makes it possible for computers to be attacked and their identities stolen. So an attacker could shut down BYU's website and make it inaccessible, or they could pretend to BE BYU, and collect all sorts of personal information they shouldn't have access to.

DNS-SEC supposedly makes that impossible, but it also slows down a network to the point that it could take minutes instead of seconds for a web site to load. The system is getting better over time as more people work on it, but the debate revolves around how, when, and by whom DNS-SEC should be adopted.

1. National governments should adopt this system on all their public infrastructure because the system is "out of control" and critical for society.

Sources: U.S. Government (1 book, 4 Congressional hearings)

2. Adoption of DNS-SEC on a large-scale would lock up the internet and cause havoc for commerce.

Sources: Bellis

3. Although slow at times, DNS-SEC is essential for a business to maintain stability and integrity.

Sources: Hughes, Holmblad, Hinshelwood

4. DNS-SEC still has significant security flaws, and will cause more problems

Sources: Huston, Hiraoka


Lance Harper said...

Your sources seem to be balanced and this issue doesn't appear to be black and white. It is apparent that something needs to change but the big question is who should do it. With your knowledge of the subject and your experience I think it will be a well balanced and informative argument.

Stevie J said...

It seems like you might be taking the side that it is necessary but still too imperfect to be adopted quite yet. So I think you are going to have to make sure to include all the reasons why it is not ready to be adopted completely yet.