Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sex Slavery Bibliography

Clark, Charles S. "Sex, Violence and the Media." CQ Researcher 5.43 (1995): 1017-1040. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 5 Mar. 2009 .
This article highlights the affect that movies and T.V have on children, and presents the idea that after watching a character on a T.V show, children exhibit behavior similar to what they have watched. This source is relevant to my paper because it shows the effects that the media can have on the young mind and how through the media, a child may act out in a sexual way (such as a john towards a prostitute) because they have seen it shown on T.V. This article uses the example of the movie,
“Showgirls” in which a brutal rape scene is shown. This is quoted on page 2, paragraph three and states, “ The recent film “Showgirls”, which contains, among other things, a brutal rape scene and almost nonstop nudity, provides a scene that is grotesque and should not be experienced by anyone, let alone children.” (Pg 2, p 5) I plan to use this in my paper to show that because society has become accustomed to sexual ideas through the media, they are more likely to accept that behavior within their society (E.X. sex in general, or a john having sex with a sex slave).

Clemmitt, Marcia. "Prostitution Debate." CQ Researcher 18.19 (2008): 433-456. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 5 Mar. 2009 .
This article focuses on the recent resignation of the Ex- New York Governor Eliot Spitzer after being “outed” as a client of an escort service. Due to his recent resignation, this article focuses on the great debates on whether the johns, prostitutes, or both should be arrested when found guilty of prostitution. It gives great information on all the debates, and pros and cons about each of them. I plan to use the information both about the governor, and the debates in my paper to explain the facts in general and the different sides of this issue that are being examined at this time. I will also use it to show how prostitution leads to other things such as drugs, and violence, and can leave victims wounded for the rest of their life. The article states, “ The fierce debates rage about the best plan for limiting the harms of prostitution, which include drug addiction and minors being forced into sex work.” (Page 1, p 1)

Cooper, Mary H. "Women and Human Rights." CQ Researcher 9.16 (1999): 353-376. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 5 Mar. 2009 .
The overall argument of this journal is that a great deal of unnecessary inequality is shown towards women throughout the world, and that something should be done to stop the prostitution, female genital mutilation and violence that many women face. In the conclusion, it states that the way to do this is by educating people, and providing ways for women to stand up for themselves when they are faced with these situations. I can use this in my paper by describing some of the other mistreatments of women that happen due to sex slavery (e.g. genital mutilation, sexually transmitted disease, violence and drug use). I am planning on using this quote to show how sexually transmitted diseases are spreading because of prostitution; “More and more women and girls are being infected with HIV as a result of prostitution and rape.” (Pg 3)

Cooper, Mary H. "Women and AIDS." CQ Researcher 2.48 (1992): 1121-1144. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 11 Mar. 2009 .
The overall focus of this article is on the spread of AIDS throughout the world, and the amount of women that have been infected with AIDS against their will due to rape, or sexual exploitation. I plan to use this as another example of how sex slaves are subject to not only violence, but to a disease that could cost them their life; not to mention the many people in-between who will also be infected. I believe this will be a very strong point in my paper to show that AIDS is rampant here in America, and is partly due to prostitution and sex trafficking.

Glazer, Sarah. "Sexually Transmitted Diseases." CQ Researcher 14.42 (2004): 997-1020. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 11 Mar. 2009 .
The main focus of this article is on the spread of sexually transmitted disease throughout the U.S. It describes each of the diseases and the causes as to why such a high population is infected; one of these reasons is sex slavery. This will work well with my paper to show the terrible effects that sex slavery has on society as a whole due to it’s spreading of disease. Throughout the article, great statistics are given as to the amount of people infected with STDs and also the amount of prostitutes determined to be currently infected.

Hansen, Brian. "Children in Crisis." CQ Researcher 11.29 (2001): 657-688. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 5 Mar. 2009 .
This short article provides specific information about how America and Somalia are the only countries that have failed to help with children in poverty and by doing this many of these children are forced into prostitution in order to make a living. I plan to use this in my paper to show that many times, America believes sex slavery is something of a foreign nation, and therefore feel that nothing needs to be done about it because it is not affecting them. I also plan to include that sex slavery is not something just affecting teens and adults, but pimps are now turning to young children as their new prey.

Masci, David. "Human Trafficking and Slavery." CQ Researcher 14.12 (2004): 273-296. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, UT. 5 Mar. 2009 .
This article provides many true stories of people who have been affected by sex slavery, and describes many of the harsh (yet true) facts about sex slavery in the United States. I plan to use this article in an effort to help my audience picture the true brutality of sex slavery and the affect that it is having not only on the victims, but also the world as a whole. Although we may not be directly faced with it everyday, sex slavery is all around us and is taking the lives of young women and men everywhere. It leads to not only sexual exploitation, but the spread of disease, violence, and drug use. This article gives many facts, such as the amount that sex trafficking brings in each year, a number for how many are directly affected, and a number of how many will be affected in the future if precautions are not taken. “Trafficking people across the international borders has become a $12 billion a year global industry that touches virtually every country.” (Pg 2, p 5)

Ebbe, Obi N. Ignatius. Global Trafficking in Women and Children. Boca Raton FL: International Police Executive Symposium CRC Press, 2008.
This book provides a detailed insight to sex slavery and those who are affected throughout the world. It focuses on the brutality that is often shown to women and children due to sex slavery, and why things of this nature are allowed to go on in certain countries. This will provide very helpful information to my paper because it gives many great descriptions of who is involved in sex trafficking (age, race, gender, social status, etc.) and why they are affected. This will help to explain that it is not just those subject to low income and inequality that are affected, but also a great deal of wealthy middle class people as well.

Kara, Siddharth. Sex Trafficking Inside the Business of Modern Slavery. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
This book provides insight for how sex slavery could be demolished by enforcing higher laws for other crimes related to prostitution. Many facts are provided that I can use in my paper such as, “ a woman or child is trafficked for sexual exploitation every 60 seconds.” These facts will provide great detail and help to strengthen the fact that sex slavery is connected with other crimes and that by catching these criminals and giving them a long term jail sentence for their smaller crimes, we could reduce the amount of violence and sex slavery throughout the world.

Wilson, Jeremy M. Human Trafficking in Ohio Markets, Responses, and Considerations. Santa Monica CA: RAND, 2007.
This book provides the inside account of human trafficking in Ohio and other places throughout the United States. This will help my paper by giving many examples that sex trafficking is in fact exhibited here in America and that it is all around us. They also give descriptions as to the women and girls who are subject to this behavior, and that a woman is not always forced to be a sex slave but sometimes does this as a means of making a living for herself. This is important because it provides a counter argument to my thesis and helps the reader to understand that not all prostitutes have been forced to sell themselves for sex but in fact do it willingly as a means of making a living.

Background Sources
Cohen, Susan. "Ominous Convergence: Sex Trafficking, Prostitution and International Family Planning." Guttmacher Institute. 2005. Guttmacher Institute. 11 Mar 2009 .
This source provides an outlook on the governments views on prostitution and how many times, it is due to them that this problem is allowed to go on. It also explains that due to the government’s lack of enforcement on sex slavery, sexually transmitted diseases have become rampant throughout the U.S. It states at one point, “Human trafficking follows roughly the same routes as weapons and narcotics. Left unchecked, human trafficking will become the most lucrative of these three criminal industries within ten years.” I plan to use this quote in my paper to show how sex slavery is affecting our society now, and the effects that it will have later if something is not done to prevent it.

Landesman, Peter. "The Girls Next Door." The New York Times 25 Jan. 2004: 1-12.
This newspaper article tells the true story of four girls found in a suburban New Jersey home that had been forced for years to be sex slaves. I plan to use this in my paper to show that sex slavery is all around us, and that it is something that is affecting us all no matter where we live, or what social class we may be a part of. It also gives a description of abortion drugs that the pimps had in case one of the girls became pregnant, these are illegal and yet another example of how sex slavery is associated with other crimes. In the house they found, “ morning after pills, and isoprostol (a medication that can induce abortion).”

May, Meredith. "Diary of a Sex Slave: Free But Trapped." San Francisco Chronicle 10 Oct. 2006: B2.
This article describes the story of one woman’s life who was told that if she came to the U.S she would make very good money waitressing, but when she got here she was met by a pimp at the airport and was forced to be a sex slave for 5 months. After paying off her debts to the pimp she left and joined another sex slavery ring to send money home to her family. Now that she is back home with her family she is making less money working in a diner as a waitress, but knows that she is free from the bonds of sex slavery. This story shows the reasons as to why someone may be forced into sex slavery in the first place, and why they may continue to work as one even after their “pimp” has set them free. I will use this in my paper to describe the other social reasons that women choose to go into sex slavery. Like this young girl, many are forced to do it against their will and then realize that they owe a great deal of money and have to work as a sex slave in order to pay off their debts.

Melanie, Welte S. "Former Iowa Official Charged in Prostitution Sting." Chicago Tribune 11 Mar. 2009: 1.
Like the former governor of New York, this Iowa official was also caught along with 13 other men as a “john”. This article focuses on the fact that sex slavery is rarely thought about until someone famous is found associated with it. I am going to use this in my paper for two reasons. One to show that it is people from all walks of life that are involved in this, and also to show that as a society we tend to ignore the fact that sex slavery is going on around us until someone of importance is caught visiting a prostitute or sex slave.

Powers, Kirsten. "Sex Slavery: America in Denial." New York Post 2 Mar. 2009: C3. This article talks of how America fails to realize the true destruction that is being done to our society due to prostitution and sex slavery. Many innocent American women and children are sold to men in other countries as their sex slaves, as many women from other countries are brought here to America to be sex slaves. This article focuses on one of the big ideas I am planning to have in my paper and talks about how, although this is going on all around us, we as Americans live as though it doesn’t happen here. This article gives statistics and many valuable facts that I can use to provide explanation for my thesis. It is my plan to use all this information as an example of how naive our society is and how the act of sex slavery is all around us, but yet our society fails to accept and prevent it.

Celizic, Mike. "Teen Re-accounts Horror of Abduction Into Sex Slavery." Today Show. MSNBC. New York City, New York. 13 Nov. 2008.
This program provided much information about sex slavery in general and the affect that it has on the victims, johns, and families. I plan to use this in my paper to focus on the effect that this has on the girls themselves, and how many times they are forced to participate in other criminal activities such as drug use against their will.

Leung, Rebecca. "Rescued From Sex Slavery." 48 Hours Mystery. CBS Broadcasting. New York City, New York. 23 Feb. 2005.
This is another program that showed many of the affects of sex slavery by sending a young girl undercover to work for a pimp. Although she did not participate in a sexual activity, she was auctioned and sold to a man in another country. This program, focused on the effects that sex slavery has on society and how many times these pimps threaten, beat, and kill their slaves and those around them. I plan on using this information as a way to give deeper explanation about sex slavery in general, and also to provide the true account of an undercover girl who experienced a small slice of what being a sex slave is like.

Pillai, Supriya, Meena Seshu, and Meena Shivdas. "Embracing the rights of people in prostitution and sex workers, to address HIV and AIDS effectively." Gender and Development 3rd ser. 16 (2008): 313-26.
This article talks about how pimps are very careless and many times fail to make their consumers take any precaution to protect both the consumer and the girl from receiving a sexually transmitted disease. Due to this fact, sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise throughout the United States and are being spread rampantly. I will use this to show the effects that this is having on our society and how innocent people are dying each day because of the lack of condom use among sex slaves.

I apologize for the formating.On my final draft all my sources are indented after the first line.


Sean said...

For all I know, you have this on the real version and it didn't get show up in the blog - but make sure you're underlining book titles!

soupah said...

You have misrepresented my article on your blog. The women of SANGRAM and VAMP that I documented in my work do not consider themselves sex slaves. Neither do their allies who are not women who sell sex but support the work of SANGRAM and VAMP. The organization takes a rights-based approach to sex work, neither victimizing sex workers nor claiming that they have no agency; neither rescuing them nor demonizing them for their choices. Working away from a deficit model, this paper explores sex workers who have adopted a human rights framework and bring their experiences to the fore in generating a human rights framework for all. The community of VAMP works alongside pimps and others who recognize these rights of sex workers. While there was a reference indeed to what you referenced in our article, it misrepresents what the whole article is about.