Friday, March 20, 2009

The Sweatshop Debate: Morals v. Economics

Please follow the link to my paper


Anu O'Neill said...

Your first paragraph is a point first paragraph. It talks about how sweatshops have started to globalize and then you back this up with the rest of your paragraph by giving quotes from the dictionary and such. I believe that it does give high expectations for the paragraph. It gives insight as to what it is you are going to explain throughout the continuation of your paper.

Anu O'Neill said...

Again I think your second paragraph is a point first paragraph. You state that one of the largest dillemas is low wages and then explain and give detailed reasons why this is so. I believe that it creates a great expectation for the rest of the paragraph because it states right there what you are going to talk about and why it is important.

Anu O'Neill said...

And again i believe that your third paragraph is also a point first paragraph because you explain exactly what you are going to talk about in the first sentence. I find that this is very helpful to the entire paragraph and paper as a whole because it explains what the paragraph is going to say and why it is important. It also gives organziation to your paper.

Spencer Funk said...

One of the largest dilemmas surrounding sweatshops.
Sweatshop moralists.
those who work at sweatshops.
Economists Benjamin Powell and David Skarbek.
One result.
Apparel workers in the Dominican Republic.
The concern.
sweatshop workers.

I think you did a good job of introducing everything prior to the point of the sentence. Nothing appeared to just be new out of nowhere.