Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIDS outline

I have just figured out an idea for a thesis, so my outline is very basic. Please forgive me.

Thesis: In years past, AIDS was never a big concern for many countries. However at this time, AIDs is becoming more prevalent in more countries. Lack of education and health care systems in developing countries compared to the ample supply here in the United States, provides for one reason as to why it has become such a common disease in developing countries.

Body Paragraphs:

I am going to divide my paper into three main concepts and discuss them.

1. I will convince the audience that this is a problem that is big for the whole world. Not only is it in developing countries, but it has spread throughout the world. I also want to narrow it down it down to a specific country in Africa and compare the rate of AIDS in that country compared to the United States.

2. For the second portion of my paper, I would like to consider all the factors of how AIDS has become a crisis throughout the world. I will specifically talk about the health care and education that a country has and compare that to the health care and education in the United States. I will use quotes from health care professionals and statistics about how much education the country receives about this problem.

3. For my final body paragraph, I will talk about the specifics on how a plan can be made to give better health care and education to particular developing countries. I will discuss plans that professionals have thought of, and programs that are now in place through humanitarian workers and volunteers.

Conclusion: Although AIDS has become an immense problem in particular developing nations, it is important to realize that this disease plagues the whole world. The difference between countries such as the United States and Ethiopia, is the difference in health care and education between the countries. The difference being that Ethiopia lacks these ingredients. Action needs to be taken so that everyone can be aware of the disease, how it is passed, and what they can do to prevent it. There can be steps taken to accomplish this, and it is necessary.


Stevie J said...

So two things that I think would help you to improve your outline would be: 1) Come up with and/or find some counter arguments for your arguments and, 2) Spread out the arguments and counter arguments into the "grand combination" format.

Alyssa Allison said...

I need to work on coming up with rebuttals and also narrowing down my topic to specific details on one country.