This article talks about the negative impacts of nuclear power namely, the radiation pollution, the natural distrust of nuclear materials, how much waste is created and how safe these plants are. These are the main focuses of all anti-nuclear activists. This article goes in depth on how to reduce the effects and make nuclear energy more desirable. This article will be great to find out the negative effects of nuclear waste. I can use these points and then pose counter arguments to prove the truthfulness of my thesis.
Cooper, Mary H. "Energy and the Environment." CQ Researcher: 161-184. CQ Researcher Online. 3/11/2009.
This article has great information on the two sides of the debate for nuclear power. Some fear nuclear power is dangerous and should not be used, while others see the great benefits and efficiency and want to increase nuclear use. I will use article to gathering information to make my own statement on the issue. With knowledge of both sides, it will be easier to take a stance.
Griffin, Rodman D. "Nuclear Fusion." CQ Researcher: 49-72. CQ Researcher Online. 3/11/2009.
This article talks about how amazing nuclear fission is. It creates huge amounts of power and does not cause damage to environment. However, after years of working, fusion reactors are still not stable. Scientists think in 50 years they might have a breakthrough. This will solve all of our energy problems. I will use this article maybe in my conclusion and talk about if we can use nuclear fusion, they environmental damage will be gone.
Hansen, Brian. "Nuclear Waste." CQ Researcher: 489-504. CQ Researcher Online. 3/11/2009.
This article talks about the potential hazard Yucca Mountain in Nevada could cause in the future. Some fear it is not safe, others deem it necessary. There are 100’s of deposits cites around the nation, Yucca is just the largest. This article will be used in the body portion of the paper to talk about the negative aspects of nuclear power, namely the waste.
Lake, James A. “The Renaissance of Nuclear Energy.”Economic Perspectives 20 (2006): 14-18.
This article talks about the growing demand for energy and the damage fossil fuel has on the environment. It explains that nuclear power is the answer to this dilemma. There are new forms of reactors that create more energy and don’t cause as much damage to the ozone. Very-High-Temperature Reactor is one of these models. I will use this article is basing my argument that there needs to be a new form of energy that is more efficient and less damaging.
Levi, Daniel J., and Elaine E. Holder. "Psychological Factors in the Nuclear Power Controversy." Political Psychology 9.3 (1988): 445-57.
This is journal that studies the psychological effects of living near a nuclear power plant. This study was done by the Diablo Canyon plant in California. It explains that because of lack of knowledge of nuclear power, people fear it. The journal goes on to propose that really if better information was given, people would be more accepting to nuclear power. I will use this book in the body of the paper talking about the effects nuclear power has on its surroundings. This will be a very credible source.
Mossman, Kenneth L. "Restructuring Nuclear Regulations." Environmental health perspectives 111.1 (2003): 13-7.
This journal talks about the regulations that have been put on nuclear power plants because of past public fear of the energy. Many fear the danger of nuclear power and have thus causes strict regulations to be made, making the efficiency of nuclear power less prevalent. The journal wants to loosen these strict “social” regulations to let nuclear power works to its full potential. This journal will be a great background source to learn what past regulations have been made and what has changed today.
"Nuclear Hot Streak Continues." Power 150.4 (2006): 7-8.
This is a pro-nuclear article that talks in great detail the amount of energy nuclear power makes compared to alternate sources. The article wants to increase the number of plants so that the country can see the benefits. Currently there are not enough plants to see a huge efficiency. Nuclear power has the highest capacity to make energy, but there are not enough built. I will use this article by quoting the amount of energy that is produced in these plants. This will verify that nuclear power really is the superior method of power.
“Nuclear Power.” Wikipedia. 2009.
This is very general and broad background source. It talks about the origin and beginnings nuclear power and then talks about the life cycle of nuclear products, the waste that is made after use and also the debate about using this form of energy. This source will most likely not be used in the paper, but will give me incite on where to go for further research. I can grasp a general knowledge through this cite. This will be very helpful in starting my paper.
Rusher, William. "The Answer is Nuclear Power." Human Events 57.20 (2001): 10.
This article is pro-nuclear power. It gives evidence that in 2001 blackouts in California could have been solved if more nuclear power had been used. The proposal in the article is thus to build more plants to fuel the nation. This article will be a great one to use is supporting my thesis of building more nuclear plants. The examples they use will be helpful in my paper as well.
Sjoberg, Lennart. "Explaining Individual Risk Perception: The Case of Nuclear Waste." Risk Management 6.1 (2004): 51-64.
This article explains that really the fear and threat of nuclear waste is all psychological. Really there is not much to fear, because these waste products are sealed and are deep underground. The central focus is proving that this fear is false and that we much not be misled. This source may be biased somewhat, but it will be a good counter argument that really the fear of nuclear waste is not a problem. This is what many who denounce nuclear power use in their argument. With this book I can prove them wrong.
Solon, Leonard R. "Nuclear Power: Proliferation and Public Health." Ambio 11.1 (1982): 15-9.
This journal talks about the negative effects of nuclear power. There are 762 plants the amount of possible weapons made is 20,000. The argument is that this poses great risk for the US. Thus, there should be a deactivation of many of these plants to decrease the effects of proliferation. I will use this journal as a source in my argument against nuclear power. This will back up my statements with verifiable facts.
Taylor, John J. "The Nuclear Power Bargain." Issues in Science & Technology 20.3 (2004): 4-7.
This is another pro-nuclear article. It talks about the positive effects nuclear power has had on other countries and then it talks about the proliferation of nuclear power. The main argument is that with more nuclear power and weaponry, the US will appear even stronger than before. I possible might use this article, but it seems to be bias towards nuclear weapons ruling the world. The examples of other countries could be useful.
Weeks, Jennifer. "Nuclear Energy." CQ Researcher: 217-240. CQ Researcher Online. 3/11/2009.
This is a very great background source that talks about how nuclear power plants can bring huge amounts of energy to communities previously unavailable. Nuclear power plants around the nation are becoming cleaner and more efficient. Increased use is planned for the future. This article will be very useful in the introduction and body paragraphs. The information is general but will be very insightful.
Whitford, David. “Going Nuclear.” Fortune 156.3 (2007): 42-87.
This article talks about the reality that nuclear energy is not being used in the US to its full potential, lagging behind electrical and coal outputs of energy. The article argues that really the negative effects of nuclear power are out of proportion and that nuclear power should be utilized more. I will use this article in talking about the negative aspects such as the Three Mile Island incident and then explain that these aspects don’t compare to the benefits nuclear power bring to the US economy.
Your citations look right. Great annotations; you put a lot of work into them.
I was going to try to help with your annotations but they are really good. I like that you summarized the articles and then told how you were going to use them. Great job!
You have two periods on the wikipedia source so don't forget to fix that.
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