Tuesday, March 10, 2009

blah blah blog

For the most part the blog has not been a bad experience, but it hasn't been my favorite part of class either. I enjoy the actual comments given by peers that care. All too often I find myself making posts and comments just because I have to for a grade. I'm sure that is what happens to other students when I recieve a comment that has little or no importance to my post. I'm glad the required volume of comments has been reduced because it has greatly eased the unnecessary, invalid commenting. My favorite blog post would have to be the song lyrics because each one of us seemed to enjoy finding an application that writing had to our everyday lives. It was interesting to see how everybody's chosen song reflected their own personality.


Spencer Funk said...

I as well as many of us are very grateful for the reduction in comments. I think this has actually benefited everyone not only as a reduce in work load but also it makes the comments actually much more meaningful. For me I can make meaningful posts because I know I don't have as many to do.

Scott said...

I agree that I make comments in order for the grade. However, that doesn't mean I just breeze through them without thought. I put thought into them, but I just don't really enjoy doing it.