Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Blog

Like everyone else I thought that blog was going to be a lot of work added on to everything else in the class. However, even though it can seem like a hassle to get a comment in or post an assignment I have really benefited from the blog. Reading other peoples posts has helped me take qualities from their writing and improve mine. Reading the comments left on all of the assignments we do for the papers we're writing in class have helped me see how to improve my paper or what to change. The comments give you insight on the same things your audience would be thinking. Also the blog has helped me feel confident in turning in papers after getting positive feedback on them. On the other hand though I didn't get too much out of the assignments that didn't have a lot to do with out papers. I would forget to look at the feedback left on my post and knew it didn't really matter if I read it. Overall the blog has been beneficial and I have really enjoyed it.


Sean said...

Yeah - I was worried about it being a hassle too. One thing I've really liked about this class is how Prof. Cowley changes it to our personal preferences - and since I do most of my job and school work online anyway - the blog is just one more assignment I can do more conveniently. It's really helped me stay on top of things!

Lance Harper said...

I think we all started out with the same ideas, but the blog has grown on us. I liked the feedback for papers too.