Monday, March 9, 2009

check it out...

Sometimes the blogs have really helped me; other times I just felt like I was doing a meaningless assignment. I really like when our blogs relate to a paper we are writing (like posting a paragraph or rough draft) because it makes me stay on top of my work. I also like when we have to brainstorm about our topics (like when we had to do some basic research for our issue paper). These types of blog posts have really helped me develop my paper and my writing. However, when I wrote some other blog assignments I just felt like I was blogging for the sake of blogging. I felt like some of the blog assignments were only given because we were supposed to have an assignment. I think the blog has the potential to produce true discourse, however I don't think it always does. I enjoy reading some of what people comment on my posts and find it helpful and sincere. Other times I have felt like people didn't even read my blog post and their comments weren't helpful and didn't even apply to what I had written.


Anonymous said...

I did enjoy recieving instant feedback on my introduction paragraphs when we post those as our blog post.

Scott said...

I agree that having blog entries be parts of our paper helps out. It helps you keep up with the work and makes sure you don't save it until the last day. This has been a major benefit of the blog.