Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pro Sweatshop Bibliography

Adamsick, Claire. "Don’t Sweat It, Global Envision." Global Envision | The Confluence of Global Markets and Poverty Alleviation. 7 Nov. 2003. 12 Mar. 2009 .

Arnold, Denis G. and Hartman, Laura P.,Beyond Sweatshops: Positive Deviancy and Global Labour Practices. Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 206-222, July 2005. Available at SSRN:

The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.

Einwohner, Rachel L., and J. William Spencer. "“That's how we do Things here: Local Culture and the Construction of Sweatshops and Anti-Sweatshop Activism in Two Campus Communities”." Sociological Inquiry 75.2 (2005): 249-72.

Frager, Ruth A. "Sweatshop USA: The American Sweatshop in Historical and Global Perspective (Book)." American Historical Review 109.4 (2004): 1207-8.

Greenwald, Richard A.. Sweatshop USA: The American Sweatshop in Historical and Global Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Jenkins, Allan. "What would You do?" Communication World 20.3 (2003): 14.

Leeson, Peter T. and Hall, Joshua,Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander: International Labor Standards and Comparative Development. Journal of Labor Research, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:

Leseure, Michel. "Offshore Factories and Economic Development: Is there a Path from Sweatshops to Indigenous Innovation?" Journal of African Business 9.1 (2008): 145-65.

Manheimer, Ann. At Issue Series - Child Labor and Sweatshops (paperback edition) (At Issue Series). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2005.

Myerson, Allen. "In Principle, a Case for More 'Sweatshops'." The New York Times 22 June 1997. 8 Mar. 2009 .

Powell, Benjamin, and David Skarbek. "Sweatshops and Third World Living Standards." Journal of Labor Research 27.2 (2006): 263-274. 8 Mar. 2009 .

Shliferstein, Jim. "Sweatshops? Don't Sweat It | The Cornell Daily Sun." The Cornell Daily Sun | Independent Since 1880. 22 Feb. 2006. 12 Mar. 2009 .

Varughese, Jerrin, Gillian Wurth, Todd McGannon, Stacey Bunn, and Jakob Lutz. "Can Sweatshop Conditions Be Justified By National Economic Development?." Flinders University. 8 Mar. 2009 .

Zwolinski, Matt. "Sweatshops, Choice, and Exploitation." Business Ethics Quarterly 17.4 (2007): 689-727.


Kristy Hadley said...

You need to make sure to underline the name of the journals.

Scott said...

For some reason I couldn't get the formatting from my word document to stay the same. My stuff really is underlined, but for some reason it didn't transfer from Word.