Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sex Slavery

I have narrowed my topic to the effects that sex slavery has on society. I want to focus a little bit more on American society but also highlight that it effects the entire world as a whole and that through networking many of the big sex slavery businesses are connected to every country.

~ One of the articles I found focuses on the different debates in prostitution and how some people believe that this is a part of our society and that it cannot be removed. Others focus on how this is effecting our youth and young people, and how many innocent teens who want nothing to do with prostitution are forced to sell their bodies for sex. This is helpful because it provides reliable facts about the debates, and many statistics about how many young girls are effected by this in the United States, and throughout the world. (Prostitution Debate, Marcia Clemmitt)

~"Human Trafficking and Slavery," by David Masci gives insight to sex slavery throughout the United States, and how it effects the rest of the world. He gives a lot of great information about how this effects the girl themselves, and also those indulging in their practices. He mentions the risk of infectious disease and also the violence that often comes along with sex slavery.

~Brian Hansen provides a lot of information about children that are effected throughout the world and how many times these children are kidnapped and then shipped across to the United States, or other countries. Even when they escape many of these children are lost forever and never have the ability to be with their family again. This is important to my paper because it explains how children are taken from their countries and brought to a foreign land and then forced to become a sex slave to provide others with money. (Children in Crisis, Hansen)

~ Another important point is how the media has changed the views of society towards sex in general and how it has become a normal and okay thing to be shown on T.V. One particular article explains how, through the media we could educate our people about the effects of sex slavery and how it is dangerous to us all. (Clark)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think your argument is not just that sex slavery is bad, but that it is a lot more prominent than most think it is. You have good sources that will back up your argument well. I think it will be important to be sure that your argument is more than just the idea that sex slavery is bad, but talk more about how it effects regular people who don't personally know anyone who has been impacted by this.