Although there are many problems in abandoning sweatshops labor, something still needs to be done about the issue of exploitation of rights. We have a moral responsibility to look out for the welfare of others and as such sweatshop labor needs to make small improvements and be placed under regulation.
-Tell a story about a sweatshop laborer…explain how they are exploited/abused/not paid
-From that story define what it means to be a “sweatshop” so the reader will now what exactly is being discussed
-From that definition show that there are many people in the United States (mostly undocumented immigrants) that work under sweatshop conditions
-include story about workers in El Monte
-Explain how this is a “moral” or “ethical” issue and what responsibilities we have to regulate it so that rights are not being violated
-Foreign labor issue
-their exploitation by multinational companies
-give stories, facts, statistics
- make sure to connect this with being an ethical issue
-the problems associated with dissolving sweatshops overseas entirely
- failed attempts…..what DIDN’T work
- how third world families often rely on this type of work (it is better than none at all
- how doing so could affect price and production costs for companies
-What could possibly work…suggestions for change/improvement
- Success stories such as Nike, Adidas, and Levi Strauss
- Show how a drastic change is not often the answer, or even a plausible solution, but that small improvements can make a big difference
- Maybe include chart showing how paying a little bit more won’t increase retail and production costs drastically
-quote about most adults who would rather pay one dollar extra on a $20 shirt if they knew that it was produced under decent conditions
- Domestic labor issue
-Make sure readers realize that many immigrants work under the same conditions in the United States itself
-Connect to idea that if we have a moral responsibility to those in other country we surely have a moral responsibility to those in our own country
-Talk about the conditions in sweatshops in LA
-Give story of Latino woman and her boss
-Stories/facts of physical impairments due to the repetitive tasks required of workers in the garment industry
-Companies/Areas that are most responsible for this
-Kathy Lee Gifford Scandal and President’s remarks
-Show how even though the said something would be done, nothing has changed
-Talk about the possibilities for change within the United States…this is possibly greater because it is something that our government actually can have control over
-Suggestions for improvement from “Preventing Disorders Amongst…”
-Restate that there is labor exploitation both overseas and within the United States itself
-Reaffirm that this is an ethical issue and that as such something needs to be done
-Secede that there are many problems associated with dissolving the industry entrirely
You have a very organized outline that follows a logical path towards proving your thesis. I think you are smart to not argue that sweatshops should be totally abolished because they do have economic benefits. I think compromise is the best solution to this problem. You have really good, specific ideas about how to go about proving your main points. As long as you can find quotes to support these stories and various situations, you should be in really good shape.
I think that I have a clear organizational structure in place that makes sense to me, and hopefully will make sense to my reader. The biggest problem I see in my outline is that it is somewhat vague right now. I talk a lot about my ideas and commentary rather than about the facts. I will need to look at my research closer and find more facts that relate to and support my ideas.
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