Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Student Journal

I have decided to put my paper in the Body, Mind, and Spirit journal because it focuses on health studies. Prostitution is a great health issue because it spreads disease through sexual intercourse, and drug use. In my issues paper I gave a great focus on sexually transmitted disease and how it is spreading rapidly due to prostitution. This is something that needs to be addressed, and through entering my paper to this journal I feel that it will help students become aware and take a stand against prostitution.

What I did learn about writing my issues paper is that I actually enjoyed parts of it and I felt as though I was making a small difference. Although only a few people may read my paper, I feel a great accomplishment and as if I have completed something of great value. This is an issue that really interests me and I actually enjoyed writing it. I know that I still need to strengthen my pre-writing, however, it has improved greatly. For this paper I had over 5 drafts, when usually the only draft I would have is the final. I now realize that it is really important, and your paper will be much better if you prewrite and take the time to get other opinions.


Sean said...

I was the same way - I never did prewriting. I've actually started doing it in this class, and it's made a big difference. I completely rewrote my eassy once I got halfway through because it just wasn't working.

Anonymous said...

It is great when you can find a topic that inspires you to find everything about it and write a great paper. Five drafts! wow.

Nicole said...

I think it is great that this issue has become so important to you. I also feel very strongly about what I wrote about, and as you said, it doesn't matter if very many people read it because I am proud of it.