Thursday, April 2, 2009

Borrowed Earth

After writing my issues paper, i have decided that the best place to send my paper get published would be the Borrowed Earth or Sigma journals. These journals are all about issues with the environment and how we can better it and also the political side of the world and how we can better our relations to make the Earth a better place. My topic of nuclear power would do well in these type of journals. I talk about the environment and i talk about the effects nuclear power has on politics today. So i think it is the best place to publish my finding and I hope that it would a good enough topic with enough information to be accepted.

Through writing this paper i learned that it is hard to have proper organization when your are writing lengthy papers. I struggled to make an outline, so that could have been part of the problem. I believe that i use good information to back up my assertions and my paper makes sense. I used a lot of kairos when speaking about the environment today and the economy of late. It is good to talk about these issues because nuclear power will benefit these areas. Overall i think i wrote a paper that is both informative and poses great solutions for the future. I really do hope that nuclear power is expanded in the future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your paper seems very kairotic. Our nation is definitely going through a phase where we are looking for forms of alternative energy. Nuclear energy is definitely a good mostly clean form of energy.