Thursday, April 2, 2009

Last Paper

This paper obviously changed my life.  It made me become such a better writer/researcher.  I learned how to use many useful websites such as refworks.  That thing saved my life.  I think I'm ready to turn in my paper.  I have made a lot of changes and I hope they were for the better!

As far as submitting my paper I'm thinking about obviously facebook as the number one choice.  But Borrowed Earth, is an environmental journal.  So maybe they'd like to see something about outsourcing.  You never know.


Aaron said...

This paper did help a lot when it came to using and citing sources. I don't think I've ever done a paper with sources to this extent.

Scott said...

Changed your life? Wow, this must have been quite the paper for you. I might recommend some sort of journal that looks at the global economy or something like that.